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Ring2 level 5 Huzzle

Ring2 level 5 Huzzle

Ring2 level 5 Huzzle

Ref: Ring2

Price: £10.65 / €12.78


level 5

Disassemble and reassemble the puzzle to its original ring shape, that is the objective of this great metal puzzle. A word from the designer: "This is the second of the 'ring' puzzles. The five separate rings can be taken apart and put back together. This version has been changed a bit from the original made by Connecticut's Jose Grant. This puzzle has five rings, like the Olympic rings that stand the test of time. That is the basic concept behind this puzzle. This type of ring puzzle goes back at least as far as the 15th century, and is now remade with modern technology. Give it a go." Original Designer -NOB 2004

or we have the original for sale now!

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